Can swimming affect the healing process of a new ear piercing?

Can swimming affect the healing process of a new ear piercing?

Swimming is a popular activity enjoyed by many, but when it comes to healing a new ear piercing, it’s important to consider the potential effects of swimming on the process. In this article, we will explore the impact of swimming on a new ear piercing and provide valuable insights to help you make informed decisions while ensuring the proper healing of your piercing.

Understanding the Healing Process

Before we dive into the details, let’s first understand the healing process of a new ear piercing. When you get your ears pierced, whether it’s a standard lobe piercing or a more intricate cartilage piercing, your body initiates a natural healing response. During this process, the body forms a protective barrier around the piercing, known as a fistula, which helps prevent infection and aids in the healing process.

Water and New Ear Piercings

Now, let’s address the impact of swimming, particularly in water, on a new ear piercing. It’s important to note that water, especially in public swimming pools, can contain various bacteria and microorganisms that may pose a risk of infection. Additionally, the chemicals used in pool water, such as chlorine, can be harsh on the delicate skin around a new piercing and potentially disrupt the healing process.

Swimming in Freshwater

Freshwater, such as lakes, ponds, or rivers, may seem like a gentler option compared to swimming in chlorinated pools. However, it’s crucial to exercise caution even in these environments. While freshwater may not contain the same level of harsh chemicals as swimming pools, it can still harbor bacteria and contaminants that may increase the risk of infection. It is advisable to avoid swimming in freshwater until your new ear piercing has fully healed.

Swimming in Saltwater

When it comes to swimming in the ocean or saltwater pools, the saline nature can create a different set of considerations for a healing ear piercing. Saltwater has natural antiseptic properties that can aid in the healing process. However, the high salt content can also be drying and may cause irritation or discomfort to the skin around the piercing. If you choose to swim in saltwater with a new piercing, it is essential to thoroughly rinse the area with clean water afterward and follow proper aftercare instructions provided by your piercer.

Taking Precautions

While swimming is not recommended during the initial healing stages of a new ear piercing, if you can’t resist taking a dip, it’s important to take necessary precautions. Here are some measures you can take to minimize the risk of complications:

Wait until the piercing is fully healed before swimming.

Avoid swimming in chlorinated pools, freshwater, or hot tubs during the healing process.

If you choose to swim in saltwater, rinse the piercing thoroughly with clean water afterward.

Use a waterproof barrier, such as a waterproof bandage or silicone ear plug, to protect the piercing from water contamination.

Pay close attention to any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, increased pain, or discharge. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek professional medical advice.

Aftercare and Healing Process

Before concluding, let’s briefly touch upon aftercare and the general healing process of a new ear piercing. It’s vital to follow the specific aftercare instructions provided by your piercer, which may include cleaning the piercing with a saline solution or using an alcohol-free antiseptic solution. Additionally, avoid touching the piercing with dirty hands, avoid sleeping on the side of the piercing, and be cautious when wearing headphones or hats that may irritate the area.


In conclusion, swimming can potentially affect the healing process of a new ear piercing due to the risk of water contamination and exposure to harsh chemicals. It is advisable to avoid swimming until the piercing is fully healed and to take necessary precautions if you choose to swim during the healing process. Remember to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your piercer and pay attention to any signs of infection. By taking these precautions and caring for your piercing diligently, you can ensure the proper healing and long-term success of your new ear piercing.


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