Can You Swim with a Pacemaker?


Having a pacemaker implanted can be life changing for many people struggling with heart conditions. However, it also raises questions about what activities are safe to do with a pacemaker. One common question is whether swimming is allowed with a pacemaker. Let’s take a detailed look at the answer.

How Do Pacemakers Work?

First, it helps to understand what pacemakers are and how they work. A pacemaker is a small electronic device implanted under the skin, usually below the collarbone. It’s connected to the heart with thin wires called leads that deliver electrical impulses to the heart muscle.

The pacemaker monitors the heart’s natural rhythm. If it detects the heart is beating too slowly, it will deliver small electrical impulses to speed up the heartbeat. If there are interruptions in the heart’s rhythm, the pacemaker can help regulate it with electrical signals. This helps prevent significant pauses between heartbeats or a dangerously slow heart rate.

Modern pacemakers are sophisticated devices that can collect data on the heart’s activity and adjust automatically to changing needs. They run on battery power that lasts 5-15 years depending on use before they need replacement.


Benefits and Risks of Swimming with a Pacemaker

Swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise that many pacemaker patients wish to continue. The good news is that in most cases, it is safe to swim with a pacemaker with certain precautions.

The benefits of swimming include:

  • Improved cardiovascular fitness and endurance
  • Full body workout with minimal impact on joints
  • Better mobility and range of motion
  • Stress relief and mental health benefits

Potential Risks to Consider

  • Pacemaker malfunction due to water pressure. The pacemaker is tested to withstand pressure equivalent to diving over 30 feet. Shallow swimming should not impact modern devices.
  • Displacement of pacemaker leads. Vigorous swimming movements could potentially shift the leads.
  • Infection if water gets into the pacemaker wound.
  • Interference between device and pool environment. Electromagnetic energy from pool lights could hypothetically affect the pacemaker.

Overall, with proper precautions, the benefits seem to outweigh the small risks for most patients. Let’s look at how to swim safely with a pacemaker.

Precautions for Swimming with a Pacemaker

Here are some recommended tips for safe swimming with a pacemaker:

  1. Wait 2-4 weeks after initial pacemaker implantation before swimming to allow the insertion site to fully heal.
  2. Avoid diving, jumping, or canonballing into the pool which can shift the device. Enter slowly.
  3. Wear a tight swimsuit rather than loose trunks to keep the pacemaker in place.
  4. Avoid extreme exertion. Gentle swimming is better than racing laps.
  5. Stay well-hydrated since dehydration can affect heart function.
  6. Speak with your doctor about any special considerations given your specific medical history.
  7. Listen to your body and rest if you feel dizzy or unwell.
  8. Keep electronics like phones away from the pacemaker when not in use.
  9. Shower gently after swimming to wash away chlorine and prevent skin irritation around the pacemaker site.

In particular, it’s a good idea to avoid pools with electrical currents designed for lap swimming. The currents could potentially interfere with the pacemaker. Stick to pools meant for general recreational swimming.

Swimming pool

Types of Pacemakers and Swimming

There are a few different types of pacemakers to be aware of:

Single chamber – Only one lead wire is used into one chamber of the heart.

Dual chamber – Two leads monitor and pace both the upper and lower chambers.

Biventricular – Three leads for patients with heart failure.

In general, single and dual chamber pacemakers are safe for swimming with proper precautions. A biventricular pacer may carry higher risk since it has more leads and complex programming. Check with your cardiologist in this case.

Completely external pacemakers connected to an external wired battery pack are not waterproof. Swimming should be avoided with these temporary external devices.

Talk to Your Doctor About Swimming

The most important tip is to discuss swimming with the doctor who implanted your pacemaker. They will consider your specific heart condition and make personalized recommendations on swimming based on the type of device you have.

Follow their guidance on waiting periods before getting back in the water and any precautions tailored to your situation. Your cardiologist may have you do a swim test in the office or use special waterproof pacemaker monitors during initial swims to check that everything is working well.

With your doctor’s approval, there is likely minimal concern with swimming leisurely at your own comfort level. Take sensible precautions and listen to your body while enjoying the benefits of swimming with a pacemaker.


Pacemakers provide life-changing treatment for those with heart conditions, and allow many patients to return to activities like swimming. With doctor approval and some basic precautions, swimming can be safe and beneficial exercise for those with a pacemaker. Discuss your options with your cardiologist and listen to any individualized guidance they provide. Stay within your comfort zone, and swimming can be an enjoyable part of staying active with a pacemaker.


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