Can You Do Yoga Twice a Day?

Yoga Exercise

Many dedicated yogis aim to increase their yoga practice frequency for amplified benefits. But is doing yoga multiple times a day advisable or even feasible?  Well, while yoga is low-impact, doubling up on practice must be approached cautiously. The intensity level, time between sessions, types of yoga, and your personal needs require careful consideration before committing to twice daily yoga.

Evaluating if Twice Daily Yoga is Safe

Generally, doing yoga twice in one day is safe provided you take proper precautions. However, for beginners or those with limitations, twice daily yoga may be too ambitious. Here are factors to consider:

Yoga Pose

  1. Recovery Time: Ensure there are enough hours between sessions for muscles to rebuild and restore. This may range from 8-12 hours depending on intensity.
  2. Rest Days: Schedule 1-2 rest days per week without yoga to allow for deep tissue recovery. Consecutive days of intensive practice can lead to overuse injuries.
  3. Intensity Level: Select gentle, restorative classes for one session to offset more active flows.
  4. Physical Limitations: Those recovering from injuries or with conditions like arthritis must consult a doctor before rigorous yoga routines.
  5. Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids and electrolytes before, during and after sessions to avoid dehydration and muscle cramping.
  6. Nutrition: Refuel with nourishing meals and snacks high in protein, healthy fats and complex carbs to support the demands of frequent yoga.
  7. Rest: Plan sufficient sleep at night alongside daytime yoga to recharge the body and avoid burnout.

With smart planning, twice daily yoga may be feasible, but don’t force it if your body needs more recovery between sessions.

Guidelines for Safe and Effective Twice Daily Yoga

If pursuing two yoga sessions daily, implement these tips:

Mix styles: Combine gentle or restorative classes with active flows for balance. Yin and Hatha styles complement more intense Ashtanga and Vinyasa sequences.

Listen to your body: Avoid poses that cause strain or discomfort. Use modifications and props to prevent overexertion or injury. Stop immediately if you feel pain.

Adjust schedule flexibility: If you feel fatigued or sore, swap the second yoga session for massage, meditation or a rest day. Don’t push through against your body’s limits.

With mindful planning, you can strike the right balance to benefit from multiple sessions without burnout.

Kundalini Yoga

The Pros of Doubled Up Yoga Routines

Regularly doing yoga two times per day can provide these advantages:

  • Greater flexibility and range of motion from the high volume of practice
  • Amplified muscular strength and endurance, especially in the core
  • Improved stress relief and mindfulness from frequent focus on breathing and meditation
  • Deeper mind-body connection and heightened body awareness
  • Extra motivation and accountability to stick with a consistent yoga routine

However, the benefits must outweigh any risks for twice daily routines to be sustainable long-term.

Potential Downsides to Avoid

While more yoga may seem better, be mindful that overdoing sequences could lead to:

Overuse injuries, typically at joints like the wrists, shoulders and knees

Mental burnout, loss of motivation, or diminished yoga enjoyment

Hormonal imbalance or irritability from overstimulation of the nervous system

Dehydration, muscle cramping or nutritional deficiencies if refueling is inadequate

Any negatives are a red flag to reduce frequency and create more recovery time. Quality over quantity!

Power Yoga

Tips for Making Twice Daily Yoga Work for You

Here are some pro tips to successfully integrate yoga two times per day:

  • Follow morning yoga with a nourishing breakfast to replenish your body.
  • Hydrate very well and take electrolytes if sweating heavily to replace mineral losses.
  • Use props like blocks, straps and blankets to support poses and prevent overexertion.
  • Select complementary styles and class levels between the two sessions.
  • Focus on restorative poses and breathwork to help offset more intense flows and strength work.
  • Keep a consistent schedule but allow flexibility to skip or downsize sessions as needed.


In summary, doing yoga twice a day can certainly amplify benefits provided you allow proper recovery between sessions, listen closely to your body’s limits, fuel yourself adequately, and balance active classes with gentle or restorative ones. Make sure the twice daily intensity feels sustainable so you continue reaping yoga’s abundant rewards.


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